Camping With Kids: Ideas for Rainy Days

When you’re camping with kids, it can sometimes be a challenge to keep them busy and having fun, especially kids who are used to having a lot of activities scheduled each day. But when you add in rainy, wet weather and chilly temperatures, it gets even harder to keep kids occupied and happy (and dry!).

You can keep your kids happy on rainy camping trips by playing games, getting out of the campground by driving somewhere, reading or doing other quiet activities like drawing, and embracing the dampness by playing in the rain or taking a rainy hike.

If you’re camping and there’s a chance for rain, make sure you come prepared with activities and ideas to tame the boredom and help everyone stay happy.

Play Board or Card Games

Rainy days in a campground are the perfect opportunity to play some board or card games together with the rest of your family. Without the distractions of chores, work, and electronics, everyone is likely to enjoy themselves and get some good quality family time. You might even find some new family favorites.

We usually bring games that are small and portable so they don’t take up too much room and are easier to use in a tent or under a shelter. Many campgrounds also have lodges, game rooms, or other gathering areas where you can play games or put together puzzles. Here are some of our family favorites for camping:

  • Uno (my kids never get tired of this!)
  • Clue (one of my favorites- here’s a portable option)
  • Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza (a new favorite card game, fast-paced and full of giggles)
  • Classic Playing Cards (many different games)
  • Chess or Checkers
  • SET

Rainy-Day Hike

When your kids are bored and restless, it’s time for a hike. Hiking in the rain can be an amazing experience and you will find that nature feels, sounds, and looks different during a drizzle. Take a little time to prepare by checking the weather (make sure there isn’t going to be a thunderstorm), dressing in appropriate layers, and packing snacks and water, and you’ll be ready to head out and explore the wet world.

Remember, any time you go out in wet or chilly conditions dressing appropriately is essential. If you dress your children in the correct clothes they will stay warm and dry and are much more likely to have a great time. Don’t wear cotton in cold, wet weather!

Insider Tip: Sturdy rubber boots are a great option for kids who don't have waterproof shoes. They might not be ideal for long, strenuous hikes, but they're perfect for puddle jumping and short hikes, and are much cheaper than hiking boots.
Having the right mindset and wearing the right clothes is essential when hiking in the rain. (We had fun, but don’t recommend wearing jeans to hike in the rain!) Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado.

Read or Listen to a Book

Reading or listening to someone read aloud is a peaceful, quiet activity perfect for rainy afternoons in the tent. If your kids are finding it difficult to concentrate, let them draw or color while you read. You could also consider playing an audiobook or reading aloud while everyone has a quiet time or rests in their sleeping bags. This is a great way to warm up and relax after spending an active hour or two hiking or playing in the rain. And there’s nothing more peaceful than the sound of gentle rain on your tent!

Reading is a good way to pass the time during a rainstorm.

Draw, Color, or Write

Another quiet activity that will keep some kids busy for a while is drawing, coloring, or journaling. If you know your kids enjoy these activities, make sure to bring coloring books, paper, pencils, and whatever else they will need. For a special treat, buy new materials, coloring books, and sketchbooks. If your kids like drawing from tutorials or step-by-step guides, consider getting some new books with these activities as a fun surprise.

Keep your kids busy on a rainy camping trip with drawing supplies or new activity books.

Find an Indoor Area to Explore

Sometimes you just need to get inside out of the rain. If your kids are going stir-crazy and the rain just won’t let up, look for an indoor area where you can let them explore and dry off a bit. Spending some time in a local visitor center, museum, or other indoor attraction might be the perfect way to help kids get out their wiggles a bit and enjoy a comfortable (dry) afternoon.

If you have small children, look for a museum with interactive exhibits like a science museum or a children’s museum, which will allow them to explore and play, rather than one that only offers hands-off displays.

Going to a nearby museum is a great activity on a rainy afternoon when you’re camping.

Have an Exercise Session

When it’s been raining for hours and everyone is getting grumpy, spend 15 minutes exercising to get the wiggles out. If you have a tarp shelter or similar location, try doing active but in-place exercises. There are tons of fun exercise videos on YouTube that you can play for your kids, assuming you have cell service.

If there’s no cell service on your phone, try taking turns coming up with exercises- everyone has to try and participate! This is the silly exercise version of Follow the Leader. Or just make exercising fun and easy by having a dance party. Bring out some snacks, start some playful, active music, and get everyone moving and laughing together!

Watch a silly, active dance-along video to get kids moving on rainy days.

Play Word Games

When it’s raining and everyone is feeling too lazy to bundle up and go out in the weather, it’s the perfect time for favorite word or conversational games like 20 questions. These games are great for keeping kids entertained and adults usually enjoy a few rounds as well. Perfect for dull moments in the tent or RV or while sitting around the fire, here are some conversational game options you can try on your next rainy camping trip:

  • 20 questions
  • I Spy
  • Hot Takes
  • Would You Rather
  • Never Have I Ever
  • Name Ten…

Go Fishing

If you’re camping during a nice gentle drizzle consider taking your kids fishing. Many fishermen say that the fish are more likely to bite during and after a rainstorm, whether it’s because the fish prefer overcast cloudy conditions or because rain sometimes washes fresh food into the water. Of course, there’s never a guarantee that you’ll have good luck when fishing, but fishing in the rain is fun and worth a try. Make sure that you and your kids have appropriate weather-resistant clothing so nobody ends up cold and miserable, and consider bringing hot drinks and fun snacks to make this a special event.

Go for a Drive

When you or your kids are getting cabin fever (tent fever?) and you just need to get away from your campsite for a while, try taking a drive. Pick a destination or choose a scenic place to drive through, start a favorite audiobook or music, and spend a few hours exploring the area and seeing the views while staying warm and dry in your vehicle.

Tell Stories

Sitting around the campfire telling stories is a time-honored camping favorite. Not all people are skilled in story-telling today, but you don’t have to be skilled to tell stories to your children. Kids love to hear stories from when Mom and Dad were little. If you don’t know how to get started, try using story-telling prompts, like these from The Learning Network.

You can also tell fiction stories with your kids. Start with basic stories like folk tales, which are easy to retell and perfect for smaller kids. Here are good options:

  • The Three Little Pigs
  • Little Red Riding Hood
  • The Gingerbread Man
  • The Little Red Hen
  • The Three Billy Goats Gruff
  • Chicken Little
  • Stone Soup

Round-robin storytelling is fun for families that have kids of different ages because everyone can participate. Round-robin storytelling is a collaborative effort where each person adds a bit to the story as you go around the circle. You can also find prompts for this type of story, but they’re usually pretty easy to come up with on your own. “It was a dark and stormy night…” is one great option!

Jump in Mud Puddles

If all else fails and your kids are desperate for action and exercise, embrace the weather and take advantage of the opportunity! Send everyone to jump in mud puddles, dance in the rain, and get as wet and muddy as possible! Everyone will have the most fun if the adults join in!

After your playtime, build up your campfire, wash up, change into dry clothes, and relax around the fire (or snuggle in your sleeping bags to warm up.)

Embrace rainy days by jumping in mud puddles and playing in the rain with your kids!


Rainy days can put a damper on even the best camping trip, but having activities in mind ahead of time can help you be prepared to make the best of the situation. Remember, sometimes the best vacation memories are made when things don’t go according to plan.


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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