Do Kids Need Sleeping Pads for Camping? How to Decide

When planning for a camping trip, it can be hard to know which things you need to purchase. Many parents wonder if their kids need sleeping pads in order to be comfortable while camping in a tent.

Kids can sleep in a tent without a sleeping pad. Many kids are comfortable sleeping on the floor, and sleeping on the ground in a tent is similar. However, children who find sleeping on the ground uncomfortable may not be able to get a good night’s sleep without a sleeping pad.

It can be hard to know if you should purchase a sleeping pad for your child or not. Here are some of the things to consider.

Can Kids Camp Without Sleeping Pads?

In my experience, many kids are comfortable sleeping on the ground in a tent. Kids tend to weigh less than adults, and their young bones seem not to mind the hard surface of the ground. In addition, many kids are used to sleeping on the ground during sleepovers and other similar events so they’re more used to hard surfaces.

However, there are some kids who find the hard ground just as uncomfortable as adults do and these children will have a hard time sleeping in a tent without a sleeping pad. The last thing you want on your camping trip is a tired, grumpy child who wasn’t able to get enough rest.

You want happy kids whencamping, so make sure they get enough rest! Silver Jack Reservoir, Colorado.

How to Decide if Your Kid Can Sleep on the Ground

If you are unsure whether or not your child will be able to sleep without a sleeping pad there are some things you can think about. First, does your child ever sleep on the floor out of choice? Out of my eight kids, several of them actually choose to sleep on the floor occasionally if they’re having trouble falling asleep or finding their beds uncomfortable. Some people find the hard surface of the floor nicer to sleep on. These kids will probably enjoy sleeping directly on the ground in a tent.

Second, consider the area you will be camping in. If you are camping in a campground with a nice flat tent pad, your children will be more comfortable than if you are camping in an area with rocks, roots, or other obstructions. Camp pads are usually made out of sand or similar surfaces and tend to be very flat and level. This eliminates the problem of strange lumps or bumps under the tent and can make it more comfortable to sleep on. If you’re camping without a tent pad, you might not be able to pitch your tent in an area free of obstructions. In these cases, you might want to bring sleeping pads for everyone to help cover up any uncomfortable lumps or hard spots.

Finally, consider the temperature where you will be camping. Sleeping pads aren’t only used to cushion the ground. They also help create an insulating layer between the sleeping bag and the cold ground. If you’re going to be camping in mountainous areas or anywhere that gets cold at night you might want to consider bringing some form of sleeping pad or insulation to help keep your kids warm at night.

If your campsite has a tent pad, the ground may be smooth enough that your kids can sleep without a sleeping pad. Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Texas

Choosing a Sleeping Pad for Your Kid’s Camping Trip

When it comes time to choose a sleeping pad for your child there are a few things you’ll want to think about. First, you want to consider how thick and warm the sleeping pad is especially if you’re camping where it gets cold at night. You will also want to consider how convenient the mat is to use. Some inflatable mattresses require you to have an air pump (or do a lot of huffing and puffing) while other sleeping pads are self-inflatable. Finally, consider the texture of the material. Some sleeping pads are made of a slippery material and wiggly children encased in sleeping bags will slide right off.

Inflatable Sleeping Pads

Inflatable pads are comfortable and sturdy. They can easily be adjusted if they are too hard or soft. While punctures are possible, they are sturdier than they seem. Simply bring a patch kit, just in case. You do need to be prepared to inflate the pad, either by mouth or with an air pump.

Self-Inflatable Sleeping Pads

Self-inflatable pads are convenient and comfortable. They are not as adjustable as air mattresses, but they don’t require the hassle of inflating. They can be a bit more expensive, but they come in a range of prices. They aren’t as compact or lightweight during storage compared with regular inflatable pads.

Foam Sleeping Pads

Foam pads can be compact and lightweight. However, many are thinner and offer less padding than inflatable pads. If you want a thick foam pad and are car camping, avoid those designed for backpackers, which tend to be the thinnest and lightest.

Affordable Sleeping Pads for Kids

If you do decide to purchase a sleeping pad for your kids you will want to find an effective and affordable option. If you plan on camping frequently or you are going on longer trekking expeditions you will have to spend more money on a high-quality, durable, and lightweight sleeping pad. However, if your family only goes camping a few times a year and you generally stick to car camping you can get by with spending less.

A roll-up foam pad can be a more comfortable choice.

Self-inflating pads are small and convenient.

Sleeping Pad Alternatives

There may be some reasons why you aren’t ready to purchase a sleeping pad for your kids. Perhaps this is your first camping trip and you’re unsure if you’ll ever use the sleeping pad again. Or maybe you are camping on a budget and trying to avoid unnecessary expenses. Or perhaps you thought your children would be fine sleeping directly on the ground but you found out that they were uncomfortable and having a hard time going to sleep. For whatever reason you may need to consider using a sleeping pad alternative. Here are some options for sleeping pad alternatives that may be cheaper or that you may already own.

A folded blanket can help to cushion the ground, smooth over hard lumps, and provide a bit of insulation.

If the ground under your tent is too lumpy or rough, a cheap yoga mat can provide a smoother surface and a little padding.

If your kids have sleepover sleeping bags that aren’t warm enough for camping, you can bring them to use as padding under your child.


No matter what time of year or where you are camping, good rest is important for both kids and adults. While many kids don’t need sleeping pads or extra cusioning to be comfortable, some do so make sure you are doing what you can to help everyone feel their best on your camping trip.


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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