Dressing Kids for Hiking: Mountains, Deserts, and Tropics

When you’re hiking in varied terrain or areas with unusual weather, dressing your kids can be more difficult. It’s hard to know what weather or temperatures to expect in an area you aren’t used to!

Some places, like the deserts and mountains, can get cold on summer evenings, but people who aren’t used to those areas might not expect that. Florida and the humid southeast can be unsafe for outdoor excursions in the summer and cooler than expected in the winter. On the other hand, southwestern deserts can experience monsoonal rains in the late summer and fall, an unpleasant surprise to many visitors expecting dry conditions.

It’s important to learn more about what to wear when hiking in these areas if you aren’t accustomed to them.

The best clothes for hiking depends on the weather and terrain. Mountain hiking requires different preparations than hiking in deserts or tropical areas.

How to Dress Kids for Hiking in the Mountains

Before you head into the mountains to go hiking with your kids, it’s important to understand how you should dress.

When hiking in the mountains, you need to dress your family in layers. Always bring a waterproof jacket or sweater and a waterproof layer for your children when hiking in high altitudes. This will help you be prepared for the many different conditions you might encounter. This is true even in the summer.

Mountains are the most popular place for people to go hiking. The mountains are beautiful, have great views and interesting terrain, and usually have great weather in the summer. I grew up going hiking and camping in the mountains of western Colorado, one of the greatest states for outdoor tourism and travel. With those mountains in my backyard, I learned a lot about how to dress my own kids for outdoor excursions.

What the Weather is Like in the Mountains

When you’re hiking in the mountains, it’s important to understand the environment you will be in. Mountains tend to be dryer and cooler than the areas around them because of the higher elevation. This is one of the reasons that people love to go to the mountains in the summer.

All that dry air at high elevations can mean variable temperatures. Throughout a single day, the temperature can vary by a few dozen degrees and it’s not uncommon for a warm 75° day to drop down to 50° at night. The weather in Aspen, CO on the day I wrote this was expected to have highs over 80° and a low of 52°.

You will also have to be prepared for warm temperatures. While summer weather in the mountains is usually cooler than in lower-elevation areas, it can easily get warm enough to feel hot, especially in the sun. Because the air is thin and you are closer to the sun, the heat can feel more direct. When hiking in the mountains, it’s important to be prepared for both heat and cold.

Finally, it’s common for afternoon thunderstorms to develop in the mountains, especially in late summer. In the West, late summer can bring on monsoon season and afternoon rains can be sudden and torrential.

During the summer months, there can be a difference of more than 45° between daytime and nighttime temperatures in the West. From Wikipedia.

Why it’s Important to Dress in Layers in the Mountains

What does all this variability mean for dressing your kids for mountain hiking? Variable conditions require dressing in layers for flexibility and preparedness. We never head into the mountains without taking jackets or coats and some form of rain protection, no matter how warm and sunny it looks.

When layering for mountain weather, you will want 2-3 layers during the summer and 3-4 layers in the winter. During summer, you can usually skip your base layer unless you are heading to very high elevations or are spending the night. Here’s a recap of the basic layering technique:

  • Base Layer: A warm, insulating layer that sits next to the skin. Usually polyester, wool, or similar material that is moisture-wicking. Never use cotton for this layer.
  • Middle Layer: An insulating layer, usually pants and a shirt or sweater. During the summer, this will be your base layer and should be lightweight and breathable. Cotton is acceptable to wear in dry, warm weather that you find in the Western mountains.
  • Top Layer: A waterproofing layer to keep out the weather. During summer, bring a jacket or sweater, as well as a rain poncho or waterproof layer. A lightweight top layer is best since you may be carrying it in your pack until needed.

There is more information about layering in my complete guide to dressing your kids for hiking.

Kids should be prepared for a variety of weather conditions when hiking in the mountains.
Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado.

How Your Kids Should Dress to Hike in the Desert

Hiking in the desert can be intimidating, and it’s important to dress your family for the conditions.

When hiking in the desert, dress your kids in lightweight, breathable clothes made of cotton, linen, or polyester during warm seasons. Consider dressing them in long sleeves and pants to keep the sun off their skin. During the winter and at night, dress in layers and be prepared for variable temperatures.

Hiking in the desert can be similar to mountain hiking because of the low humidity and variable temperatures. However, temperatures in deserts can be even more variable. Expect to wear a sweater in the evening and to be very warm, or even hot, during the daytime. In some areas, it can be dangerously hot in the desert. Dressing for desert weather can be very different depending on the time of year you are visiting.

How to Stay Cool Hiking in the Desert

During the summer, desert temperatures can soar to 115° or higher, especially at lower elevations like those found in southern California and Arizona. In these areas, hiking in the summer can be deadly, especially for those unprepared for the heat. Many people think that the heat will be less dangerous because of the low humidity, but any time temperatures are over 90° to 95°, hiking can be dangerous. You can learn more about taking your kids out in hot weather in my article “When is it Too Hot to Hike With Kids?

If you are hiking in hot weather, dress your kids in lightweight, breathable clothes. In the dry desert, you can consider skipping the usual advice about avoiding cotton- here, cotton can be helpful because it will dry quickly even when you are sweating, and this evaporation can help cool your skin.

Also consider skipping the shorts and wearing long, lightweight pants and long-sleeved cotton or linen shirts. This can help keep the hot sun off your skin, keeping you cool and helping to protect your skin from the sun (You should still use sunscreen, however.)

In addition, follow these basic safety steps and take the advice of a ranger before hiking in the desert heat:

  • Bring more water than you think you will need. A lot more.
  • Stick to short hikes until you’re used to the terrain, heat, and elevation.
  • Hike in the morning or evening.
  • Learn to know the signs of heat exhaustion.
  • Always tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.
When hiking in the desert, dress kids in cool, breathable clothes. Palm Springs, California.

How to Be Prepared for Variable Desert Weather

All arid environments can experience temperature fluctuations. In the desert, you should be prepared for this. While it may be very warm during the daytime, in the evening the temperature will drop considerably. Many people aren’t prepared for desert temperatures in the winter and expect the desert to be warm year-round. However, in most of the deserts in the world, winter is a bitterly cold time.

When hiking in the desert you should be prepared for temperature fluctuations. If you’re hiking during the early morning or evening, make sure you check the weather to see if you will need a sweater or jacket. During the monsoon season, bring rain gear. Even a small portable poncho can help you stay dry and warm if a sudden storm comes.

What Kids Can Wear to Hike in Florida (and Other Tropical Areas)

If you are taking your family hiking in humid areas such as Florida, it’s natural to wonder what clothes are best.

When hiking in Florida, dress your kids in synthetic, moisture-wicking fabrics to help them stay cool in high humidity. Polyester clothing such as athletic shirts and hiking pants will keep kids cool and dry. During the winter, bring jackets or sweaters.

Hiking in areas with high humidity requires very different clothing, and once you understand why, your family will be much more comfortable in these conditions.

How to Stay Cool in Humidity

Staying cool while hiking in humid areas like the tropical and subtropical US, including Florida, can be challenging. In these areas, it’s important to dress your kids in synthetic materials such as polyester that will stay dry and help wick moisture away from their skin. Clothes that are designed for outdoor use in hot, humid conditions are perfect for hiking in these areas. Hiking pants, athletic wear, and fishing shirts are all good options.

Insider Tip: My husband swears by his Hook and Tackle fishing shirt for humidity, as well as keeping away no-see-ums (biting midges), which he hates passionately.

Cotton tends to be very absorbent and stays wet for a long time, making it uncomfortable in humid weather when you sweat a lot but the sweat can’t evaporate. You will end up damp and hot. Moisture-wicking fabrics like polyester will pull moisture away from your skin and allow it to evaporate more easily, helping you to stay cooler.

Remember to limit your hiking in very hot weather. It’s not generally safe to take kids hiking when the heat index (“feels like” temperature) is over 90° or so. Kids need to cool off regularly in hot temperatures, and this can’t usually happen when hiking. If you do go hiking in these conditions, stick to short trails in the shade.

Finally, even in humid areas like Florida, it’s essential to bring plenty of water when hiking. You will sweat more in humid weather, so you are very likely to become dehydrated if you don’t drink more than normal. Make sure you bring enough water to refill your kid’s water bottles several times. Here is an article with more information on staying hydrated while hiking.

Be Prepared for Cool Season Hiking in Florida

If, like most people, you’re visiting Florida in the winter, don’t let cool conditions take you by surprise. Even though Florida is subtropical and warm for most of the year, occasionally temperatures drop to 45° or less during the winter, so make sure you’re prepared for cool weather if you are in the south during the winter.

Check the weather before you head out on your hike, and if cooler temperatures are predicted, bring a sweater or jacket. Humidity on your skin can make the air feel colder than normal, so you might want to bring a jacket even if you’re used to cold weather. I have never felt more chilled than while walking on the beach during a windy, 45° day with water blowing off the surf!

Hiking in Florida and other tropical areas requires dressing for hot, humid weather.
Highlands Hammock State Park, Florida.


No matter where you’re hiking, it’s important to find ways to dress your kids so that they will be safe, comfortable, and have a great time.

Read more about dressing your kids for hiking:

Trail Ready Kids: How to Dress for a Day Hike

Hiking With Kids: Can They Wear Jeans?

How to Dress Your Baby or Toddler for a Hike

Do Kids Need Hiking Boots? Five Ways to Decide

Dressing Kids for Hiking: Can They Wear Normal Clothes?


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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