Drinking Coffee Before a Hike: Pros and Cons

Drinking coffee in the great outdoors is one of the best parts of a camping or hiking trip.

Have you been avoiding coffee before hiking because you’re worried about dehydrating effects? Or are you planning on carrying an extra gallon of water to make up for your regular morning cup? I wanted to know if there was really any harm in drinking coffee before a hike, so I went to the experts.

Studies show that having a cup of coffee before hiking doesn’t contribute significantly to dehydration and can help boost energy levels. This is especially true for regular coffee drinkers who may feel groggy and have lower fluid intake if they skip their normal morning drink.

Do you want to know more about the pros and cons of drinking coffee before a hike? Read on, I have more to say!

What happens if you drink coffee before hiking

Drinking coffee before hiking can help you with energy and focus, and if you are a regular coffee drinker you are not likely to notice a difference in performance, ability, or any part of the way you feel. If you are a new coffee drinker, you might experience effects ranging from a heightened sense of awareness and more energy to jitteriness, anxiety, and a need to use the bathroom. If you are a new coffee drinker, the day of a long hike is probably not the time to experiment.

While many people think that coffee will make you dehydrated, studies show that there is little to no effect from a few cups of coffee, and you would have to have much more than most people consume in order to be dangerous. For most people, especially regular coffee drinkers, there is no dehydration risk. You can read more about that from the National Library of Medicine.

Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Pros to Drinking Coffee Before Hiking

There are some advantages to drinking coffee before hiking, especially if you’re already used to having a daily cup. While coffee can have a diuretic effect, that tends to be decreased in regular drinkers. And coffee is made with water-unless you replace that missing liquid in some other form, you will actually be more dehydrated than normal when you start out.

A cup of coffee before a hike can also give you an energy boost that helps you get started and keep going for several hours. If you are used to that morning jolt, going without could be setting yourself up to feel tired for the rest of the morning. Having a cup before hiking will put you at your normal energy level, while skipping it could have a negative effect.

Finally, if you are hiking for exercise or to lose weight, it is interesting to know that caffeine before a workout can actually help you burn more fat. You can read about that study here on WebMD.

Cons to Drinking Coffee Before Hiking

While drinking coffee before hiking can have advantages, some people have caffeine sensitivities. Some of the common things that can occur when drinking coffee can include stomach upset, anxiety, insomnia, and headache. If you have any uncomfortable symptoms after drinking coffee, you should avoid it before hiking.

Coffee also has a diuretic effect- this means it can increase urination. While this won’t cause dehydration in regular coffee drinkers, it can be an inconvenience on the trail. Make sure that you do the same thing you tell your kids and take a potty break before you leave.

Besides its diuretic effect, coffee can also stimulate the bowel in some people. If you are one of those people, you probably already know it, and are used to planning around this effect, but it seemed important enough to mention. Also, don’t forget to bring the TP and baggies on every hike, just in case.

Alternatives to Drinking Coffee

If you are not a regular coffee drinker but want to add a jolt of energy before you go on a hike, there are alternatives. While you may want to avoid caffeine if you aren’t used to its effects, you could also consider a smaller dose by drinking a cup of hot or cold tea, which has about half of the stimulant compared with coffee. You could also bring a chocolate bar, which can give you a boost through sugar as well as a bit of caffeine.

One of the best ways to get energy before hiking is simply to eat a high-quality, filling, nutritious breakfast. Make sure you get a lot of good complex carbohydrates and protein. A bowl of oatmeal, scrambled eggs, and fresh fruit is an example of one such meal. You should also make sure that you are well-hydrated before you hike, starting by drinking a lot of extra water during the days before your planned trip.

Whether you drink coffee or not, you still need to hydrate before a hike.


Since experts seem to agree that regular coffee drinkers won’t experience a negative effect if they continue their habit before a workout (and may even benefit) there seems to be no reason to avoid your regular morning cup. If you want to feel your best for your hike, make sure that in addition to a cup of coffee, you fuel your body well, start out well-hydrated, and continue to eat and drink while you are on the trail.


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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