How to Save Money Hiking With Your Family

While hiking is already an inexpensive hobby and is easy to get started, many people are looking for the best ways to save even more money.

You can save money when hiking by choosing high-quality gear, re-purposing gear you already have, and hiking locally. Purchasing annual passes to public lands can also help you save money. Finally, you can shop sales and eliminate unnecessary purchases to save more.

There are many ways to save money while hiking, and here are some of my best tips:

How and Why to Save Money Hiking With Your Family

As the mother of a large family, saving money is important to me. I am constantly researching the best ways to get more bang for my buck, especially when traveling or finding activities to do together. While we love visiting places like museums, aquariums, and zoos, with 8 children the cost of admittance into these places can get ridiculous! So while we still enjoy those activities, we are much more likely to go hiking because it’s something we can do so cheaply and the kids enjoy.

You Can Start Hiking With Your Kids for Free

Even though hiking never needs to be expensive, with some out-of-the-box thinking it’s possible for many families to get started hiking without any extra expenses (other than the cost of driving).

Sun protection such as hats, sunscreen, and sunglasses can make hiking more comfortable and safer on bright days. Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming.

Re-Purpose Your Gear

Most of the gear your family will need to start day hiking can already be found around your house. For example, most families already have backpacks they can use. Whether they’re kids’ school backpacks or are being used for other purposes, they can easily be re-purposed for hiking trips.

You can also use regular clothes and shoes for most day-hiking trips. Unless you are headed to areas with more extreme conditions, such as places where you will be hiking in snow, water, or with dangerous footing, you and your children can wear regular tennis shoes or sneakers. The best shoes have laces that can be tied snugly and good soles with a lot of traction. In good weather and temperatures, you can wear clothes you already own such as jeans or leggings, ordinary t-shirts, and a sweater or hoodie for layering.

Pack a basic first aid kit, which you can assemble from your medicine cupboard. Items such as bandaids, painkillers, Benadryl, alcohol pads, and triple antibiotic ointment are all you need for a basic kit. Also, consider bringing survival supplies like a lighter, flashlight, and multi-tool with a knife.

Find Free Public Land Access

National Forest lands are usually free to access and allow many different kinds of activities. Grand Mesa National Forest, Colorado.

It is possible to find free public land all over the country, from city parks to National Park Service land. However, this is usually easier in some areas than others. Here are some of the agencies that sometimes offer free public land access:

Finally, the Every Kid Outdoors program is a federal program that provides free public land passes to fourth graders. The pass is similar to the America the Beautiful pass and provides admittance for 4th graders (and other people in their vehicles) to national parks and many other federally managed areas. The pass is easy to get and completely free.

Bring Snacks From Home

If you’re trying to get started hiking without spending any money, consider what snacks and packed lunches you can bring from home. Fresh fruit makes an easy, healthy ready-to-go snack most kids enjoy. Fresh vegetables can also be a good option. Peanut butter and jelly or other sandwiches can also make good snacks. Simply use what you have instead of stopping by a store or gas station and you can save money.

How to Save Money on Hiking Gear

The most expensive thing you can buy for hiking is outdoor gear. While many of these things can be purchased more cheaply by getting lower-quality items or repurposing things you already have, eventually most hikers decide that buying dedicated hiking gear is worth the expense. Not only will you find that these things are made to higher standards, but they often fit better and last longer in the outdoors than less-rugged versions.

Focus on Quality and Fit

When you are ready to spend money on your hiking hobby, it makes sense to focus on quality and fit. Most hiking products, such as packs and boots, are highly personal and different brands and styles will be better for different people. No one can choose the best pack or shoes for someone else. This is one reason it makes sense to visit a big box outdoor supply store where you can try on various boots and backpacks to check the fit and how they feel. You might not be ready to buy, but you will learn a lot about fit, quality, and how the various products feel. REI has excellent information on how to fit a backpack.

You should also focus on quality. If you will be hiking frequently or for long trips, you will want gear that will last and can take a beating. The outdoor lifestyle is hard on gear, so spending a little more for products that will last is a good money-saving strategy. For example, it took me 10 years to wear out my first pair of high-quality hiking shoes (Merrells) while hiking several times a month.

Shop Sales

Sales can be a good way to save money, as long as you are shopping wisely. Many people get bargain items because they are on sale, even if they’re things they otherwise wouldn’t have purchased. It’s only a good deal if it was already something you needed, and if the style, fit, and quality are worth it. Look for sale items around major shopping days such as Black Friday, as well as throughout the year for events such as holiday and seasonal sales.

Utilize Used Items

Another way to save money on hiking equipment is to shop for used items. Gently used backpacks, boots, and other gear can often be purchased for bargain prices on the Facebook marketplace and thrift stores. Many of these items are barely used because the owners either didn’t like them or never got around to using them. You can also shop for used items online on places such as eBay, but you can expect to spend a bit more because you will have to pay for shipping. However, the prices can still be much lower than you would pay for new items.

What Hiking Gear Should I NOT Buy for My Kids?

If you want to save money, it’s helpful to think about what gear you shouldn’t buy. We have found that some items are too expensive, get lost or worn out too easily, or simply aren’t useful for our kids. Here are some things I don’t recommend purchasing for your kids unless you are getting serious about hiking:

Clothes They Will Out-Grow Quickly

Don’t bother purchasing clothes that kids will outgrow quickly. When kids are in a fast-growing stage, purchasing expensive hiking clothes and shoes just doesn’t make sense. Instead, shop for used clothes or buy suitable everyday items that they can also wear hiking. For example, buy good sneakers with excellent traction instead of hiking shoes, and synthetic-fabric pants, or even jeans, instead of hiking pants. Here is an article I wrote to help you decide if your kids need hiking boots.

A family hiking in jeans and coats during late fall. Uncompaghre National Forest, Colorado.

Gadgets They Won’t Use

Kids are unlikely to use hiking and survival gadgets. Items like a compass, survival kits, fire starters, and similar tools are useful for adults, and kids can start learning how to use them, but they aren’t necessary. They do, however, make fun and interesting stocking stuffers and gifts. While your kids are unlikely to use these items in a true survival setting, they enjoy the independent feeling of knowing how to use them.

Expensive Gear

Your kids don’t need expensive gear, such as trekking poles, pricy packs, specialty clothes, or fancy gear. Most families stick to hikes of 5-6 miles or less and use relatively well-known trails in good weather, so expensive or specialty gear is overkill. If your kids want some of these things, such as trekking poles or water backpacks, there are less expensive options available such as those below. Cheaper versions may be better for kids because they are more likely to break them, lose them, or outgrow them compared with adults.

If you’re planning a longer backpacking trip or hiking in more dangerous terrain, you will need to update your budget and gear accordingly. Situations where you will find yourself hiking in snowy or cold conditions, doing rock scrambling, or walking in potentially dangerous areas, can call for pricier, sturdier hiking gear.

How to Spend Less on Travel for Hiking

You can save a lot of money on hiking expenses by spending less on travel. Many of the most amazing outdoor adventures take place in distant national parks and other public lands. Traveling to these locations can be expensive, but it’s worth it to see some of the most amazing landmarks and natural areas in the country and world. However, there are some ways to save money while traveling for hiking trips and other outdoor excursions.

Hike Locally

Hiking locally is the best way to save on travel expenses. While you will certainly want to take longer trips to specific hiking destinations, such as national parks, it’s a good idea to visit local destinations as well. Not only will this allow you to save money on travel, but it will also allow you to hike more often throughout the year, helping you and your kids stay in better shape and be better prepared for those longer trips when they do happen.

Utilize Camping

Camping is one of the best ways to save money when traveling to hiking destinations like national and state parks. Camping allows you to avoid expensive hotel stays, and most kids enjoy camping because they can explore, play outside, and make more noise than they can in a hotel. In addition, you can also save money on meals while camping because you can cook your own food. Most national and state parks have campgrounds available, and you can camp for free in many BLM and National Forest areas. While you will have to spend a little money on camping gear, such as a basic tent and camp stove, if you shop carefully these things will pay for themselves on your first trip.

Camping is a great way to save money on travel, and it doesn’t have to be a fancy set-up to work well. Mancos State Park, Colorado.

Buy Annual Parks Passes

Annual park passes are a great way to save money on traveling. If there is a nearby park that you visit often, you can probably save money by purchasing a park pass if available. Most states offer these passes, although they might operate slightly differently. For example, Colorado and Florida both offer annual passes that will allow admittance into most or all of their state parks, but there are some differences. Colorado has a family pass that can be moved between vehicles, while Florida specifies that the pass doesn’t apply to two of their parks which are more expensive. Some states, like Alabama and Rhode Island, don’t have comprehensive passes that cover all their parks. Ensure you learn about the specific rules for the pass you want to purchase before you buy it.

If you have federal land near you, such as an NPS unit, consider purchasing a federal land pass. This pass, called the America the Beautiful pass, gives entry into over 2,000 different units of federally-managed land, including the national parks. It costs only $80, admits everyone in your vehicle, and is by far one of the best deals in existence. If you only plan to visit one park, you can often get an annual pass to just that unit.

How To Spend Less on Food While Hiking With Kids

You can spend less on the snacks and meals you take with you hiking. By planning ahead, buying in bulk, and making your own food, you will have better-quality snacks that cost less and taste better. I have found that I often get in a rut when planning snacks and meals on hiking trips, and tend to purchase the same foods over and over again. That is why I made this list of great hiking snack ideas for kids.

Planning Ahead for Cheaper Hiking Food

If you plan ahead, you can save money on snacks and meals. Planning ahead allows you to purchase snacks when they are on sale, buy in bulk and re-package, and take spontaneous trips without splurging on convenience store foods. It also allows you to choose snacks that are healthier by visiting healthy grocery stores and making your own snacks.

Buying Hiking Snacks in Bulk

One way we save money on snacks as a large family is by buying in bulk and repackaging. We almost never buy snacks in personal-size packages. Instead, we buy large family-sized containers of chips, crackers, cookies, jerky, and trail mix and then repackage them into smaller containers for each person. The only items we buy in personal-size packages are things that are only available in that form, like sandwich crackers and fruit snacks. Buying in bulk is also better for the environment as it helps eliminate all those unneeded packages.

Make Your Own Hiking Snacks and Meals

Making your own snacks and meals can be a good way to save money when you’re hiking with kids. I have noticed that kids eat a lot more when they’re outside camping and hiking, so you will go through more snacks and food than you usually do. Making your own is one way to help mitigate the cost of these extra snacks, which can be expensive. Ready-made snacks, such as packaged cookies, fruit snacks, and trail mix are not only expensive but are also less healthy. Making your own cookies, bringing real fruit instead of fruit snacks, and mixing up your own trail mix can not only save money but can also be a healthier way to snack while hiking.


There are many ways to save money when you are hiking, and these are some of the methods my family has used. I would love to hear your ideas for saving money, buying less, or purchasing on sale. Please leave your ideas in the comments for others to read!

Read more about the expenses of hiking in the rest of the series:

How Much Does it Cost to Get Started Hiking With Kids?

Why Hiking is the Most Affordable Family Hobby


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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