Summer Hiking With Kids: Tips and Tricks for Dressing Cool

Summer hiking can be a wonderful adventure or a terrible idea, depending on where you go, how well you prepare, and what you wear. However, for many families, summer is the only time they have available for travel, so this is prime hiking season across the US and many other countries.

The Best Material To Wear Hiking in the Summer

When you are hiking in the heat, it’s logical to wonder which material is best for your family to wear.

The best materials for hiking in the summer are cool, breathable, moisture-wicking fabrics. Synthetics like polyester are usually recommended for humid areas, but in arid conditions such as the southwestern desert, cotton can also work well. Fabrics that aren’t breathable should be avoided.

If you’re hiking in hot weather, make sure that you wear clothes that are breathable and loose. Synthetic materials are a great choice, especially in the east where it is humid. Activewear is often created to help the wearer stay cool and dry while exercising, so these can be good options. Outdoor clothing like hiking pants and fishing shirts can also be smart choices.

In dry climates, regular cotton T-shirts can work fine as the fabric will get damp when you sweat which can help cool you in dry air. Make sure whatever you choose isn’t too tight and is comfortable.

Wear Synthetic Clothes When it’s Hot and Humid

If you are hiking in hot, humid weather, you should take special care when dressing your kids.

Dress your kids in lightweight, moisture-wicking fabrics when hiking in humid, hot weather. Fabrics such as polyester, nylon, and bamboo are ideal. Short sleeves and short pants are more comfortable in these conditions unless you need extra protection against biting insects.

It’s important to find ways to stay cool when hiking in humidity, as your natural ways of cooling off, such as sweating, won’t work as well. Wearing light, moisture-wicking clothes, staying in the shade, and hiking in the morning and evening hours can help. You can also wear a breathable hat to help keep the sun off your head. Remember, take special care in temperatures over 90°, especially with young children, and consider skipping your hike until it cools off.

Synthetic materials like polyester shorts and shirts are perfect for wearing in humid conditions.
Bamboo Forest, Alabama

Hiking in Hot Weather: Shorts vs. Long Pants

When you are hiking in the summer, is it better to wear shorts or long pants?

In general, it’s better to hike in long pants even in hot weather because they provide protection against scrapes, thorns, and biting insects. If you are hiking on trails with no risk of poison ivy-type plants, brambles, or biting insects, it may be better to wear shorts on hot-weather hikes.

It seems like all outdoor enthusiasts have their own opinions on the shorts vs. long pants question, and both options have advantages. I usually prefer to have my kids wear long pants for most hiking trips, even in the summer. Long pants are better when you may be going off trail, where there are biting insects, and when the temperature might turn chilly in the evening. Lightweight, breathable pants such as hiking pants are generally good options in hot weather. In the mountains and other areas where it isn’t too hot, jeans can be an acceptible choice as well. My kids grew up hiking in jeans. (You can read more about the pros and cons of hiking in jeans in this post.)

On the other hand, there are some good reasons to wear shorts while hiking, as well. Shorts are usually cooler than long pants, and if your kids aren’t hiking in brushy areas or leaving the trail, you won’t have to worry much about brambles and scrapes. Finally, shorts can be better in humid areas where breathability is paramount.

If you still can’t decide between shorts and long pants for your kids, you might not have to. Instead, buy hiking pants with removable legs and have the best of both worlds!

Use sun hats to protect little bald heads from sun damage.

Use Sun Hats for Kids When Hiking

A sun hat can help keep your kids cool and protect their skin from sun damage when you are hiking in the summer. Some kids, especially those with very light-colored or thin hair, can easily get sunburned on the top of their heads.

There are many different features and types of sun hats. Some hats will provide more sun protection than others, and some are made of UFP material for better UV protection. Some hats have wider brims and provide more shade, and some have vents to help keep little heads cool. You can even get hats with built-in mosquito nets. Here is a chart with some things to look for and consider:

Wide BrimBetter coverage and sun protection.It might annoy kids if they feel they can’t see well.
Mesh Vent Helps keep little heads cool.Kids can get sunburns through the mesh and they may not actually cool well.
Neck FlapProtects the back of the neck from the sun.Little kids might find it annoying, and older kids might not like the way it looks.
UFP MaterialProvides UV protection for skin.Over time, the protection wears off.
Chin StrapHelps keep the hat in place and lets it hang when not in use.Kids might not like the way a chin strap feels.

Consider UFP Clothes for Hiking in Summer

When you are taking your kids hiking in the summer, protection from skin damage should be a priority. This is especially true in areas without much shade and at higher elevations. Sunburn can happen easily in these situations. UFP clothing can help protect your kid’s skin from sunburn by providing protection from UV rays, similar to the way sunscreen works.

The most well-known type of UFP clothing is swimwear such as rash guards. However, you can also find this material used in fishing shirts and some hiking pants, which can be better, more comfortable options for hiking. Also look for UFP hats, jackets, T-shirts, activewear, and many other types of clothing.

Avoid Swimsuits and Tight Rash Guards When Hiking

It’s natural to wonder if it’s a good idea to wear a swimsuit when hiking to a swimming destination.

In general, you shouldn’t wear a swimsuit for a hike. Swimsuits can make you feel hotter because they aren’t made of breathable material, especially if worn under other clothes. In addition, they are usually tight and constricting, so wouldn’t be comfortable to hike in.

Depending on the kind of material your swimsuit is made of, and whether it’s a one-piece, two-piece, or swimming shorts, you could find a comfortable option that makes sense for hiking. Most swimsuits, however, will be uncomfortable, constricting, and hot to wear while hiking.

Rash guards can have some beneficial qualities that make them options for hiking, including UV protection. However, it’s important to make sure that they are breathable and not too tight, or they will make you feel hotter and sticky.

Swimsuits are great for swimming. However, they aren’t as nice for long hikes.
St. Joseph Peninsula State Park, Florida.

Prepare Ahead for a Swim Hike

If you are going on a hike near a swimming hole, creek, or beach, you will likely want to jump in for a refreshing swim. What should you wear on a hike that will involve swimming?

If you are planning to swim on your hike, you can either wear clothes suitable for swimming or bring swimwear in your pack. Some clothes, such as activewear tank tops and shorts, can be suitable options to wear for both hiking and swimming.

Some of our kids’ favorite hikes have been places we went to specifically to get wet. However, most people don’t enjoy walking back home in heavy, wet clothes. So it makes sense to plan ahead and take the time to bring something to swim in.

My kids usually wear the same clothes they swim in. Shorts and tank tops are good options for this. Make sure they’re made of quick-drying synthetic material so they won’t be heavy or cause chafing on the walk home.

You could also bring along swimsuits in a backpack so everyone will have dry clothes for the return hike. Your kids might be uncomfortable changing into swimwear outside, so explain what they will need to do ahead of time. Also, make sure to bring a plastic bag for the wet swimming suits to protect the other things in your pack.

My kids will swim in any clothes, but they don’t always enjoy walking home in wet jeans.
Plan ahead to avoid this. Lost Lakes, Colorado.

Bring Sunglasses When Hiking With Kids

Consider bringing sunglasses for your kids. Bright light and UV light can damage kids’ eyes as well as the skin around their eyes. If your kids are like mine, they lose and break sunglasses regularly. If you aren’t ready to splurge on more pricy specs for your absent-minded kids, you can pick up cheap versions at most dollar stores.

For very young children, sunglasses with straps are available. Older kids usually enjoy wearing sunglasses, especially if they see adults in their family wearing them. Once they see how much better their eyes feel, they will want to continue wearing them.


Hiking in the summer can present challenges, but for many families, it’s the best time. Summer break, warm weather, and more free time combine to make summer a popular time to hike. Make sure you’re prepared by choosing the best clothes for your summer hiking.

Read more about dressing your kids for hiking:

Trail Ready Kids: How to Dress for a Day Hike

Hiking With Kids: Can They Wear Jeans?

How to Dress Your Baby or Toddler for a Hike

Do Kids Need Hiking Boots? Five Ways to Decide

Dressing Kids for Hiking: Can They Wear Normal Clothes?


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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