When is the BEST Time to Hike With Kids?

When I’m planning a hiking or camping trip, one of the first things I want to know is what the weather will be like. It’s important to know when is the best time to go hiking, especially when going with kids.

In general, the best time of the year to hike with kids is during the late spring and early fall months, when there tends to be lower humidity and moderate temperatures. June is the best month to hike in much of the United States.

There are a lot of variables that can affect when the best time is for hiking, so I go into more detail below. I also compiled the data I found into charts to make the information more accessible.

The Best Time of Year to Hike With Kids

When I wanted to know the best times of the year to hike, I compiled data from Best Places.com, a website with demographic, climate, and census data about thousands of places. Best Places lists the three most comfortable months for each town, using temperature, humidity, and other climate data to make their selections. I used the information from over 100 towns around the country to make the following chart.

I expected fall and spring to be the most comfortable months across the country, but I was surprised to find that June and September got the most marks. While September is technically the beginning of fall, it’s still late summer in most places, and June is also a very summery month. This data shows that for many places in the United States, the best months to go hiking are in early and late summer rather than spring and fall as are usually suggested.

The map shows the most comfortable month for each state as given by Best Places. This map shows that, as expected, the most northern states have the nicest weather in the summer. As you travel farther south, the shoulder seasons are preferred. In only a few southern states, however, are the most comfortable months early in spring or late in fall.

The Best Time of Day to Hike With Kids

It’s also useful to know what times of day are the best ones to hike. This is especially important when you’re hiking with kids, as you want their experience to be positive and enjoyable.

The best time to hike with kids is before 10 AM or after 3 PM. These are the times when people usually feel energetic and this is when the weather is likely to be nice during the warm months. Also, these times are less likely to be nap time for toddlers and babies.

The best times of day for hiking can vary with the seasons as well. In some areas, you can get a much longer hiking season by using a different time of day to take advantage of cooler or warmer temperatures. In other places, local considerations such as tourist invasions and local weather patterns (like monsoon season in the southwest) will be more important than temperature.

How to Stretch the Hiking Season in Northern Climates

For those hiking in northern climates, the main hiking season will be summer. While this is great for kids who have summer break, it means there may be fewer months that are nice enough to spend outdoors. In order to stretch this season, consider changing the times of day you hike. Rather than hiking in the morning and evening as is usually suggested, consider hiking during the warmest and sunniest period of the day.

Help your children get used to the weather as fall progresses by encouraging them to stay outside or continue hiking even as it starts to get chilly. You can also keep your thermostat set to a cooler temperature during the winter to help the whole family acclimate. Acclimation helps you feel comfortable at cooler temperatures, stretching the outdoor season into the fall and early winter.

If you are planning a cold-weather hike, don’t go away! Visit my post I wrote specifically about hiking in the winter with kids.

How to Stretch the Hiking Season in Southern Climates

For people hiking in southern climates, the shoulder seasons are more comfortable while both summer and winter may be less hospitable for outdoor activities. You can stretch the hiking season into the summer by hiking earlier and later in the day. For families, hiking very early in the morning might be impractical unless you have early-bird children. Evening hikes, however, can be fun. You can take advantage of the cooler weather and perhaps enjoy the sunset. Remember to bring bug spray on evening hikes.

Those living in southern areas can still experience below-freezing winter cold. To stretch your hiking season into the colder months, consider hiking during the warmest part of the day, as well as helping your children acclimate to the cooler weather by turning your thermostat down. You can also help your children dress in layers for warmth.

Best Time to Hike With Kids in Florida

I feel that hiking in the deep south and coastal areas can be so different from other areas of the country that it deserves special mention. If you are hiking in Florida or other areas of the gulf coast you may find that winter, late fall, and early spring is your best hiking season. The shoulder season for you will be early fall and late spring when temperatures are a bit higher but still tolerable. Most people in these areas will avoid all hiking during the warmer months, especially with kids.

Unfortunately, the winter months are also the time when the gulf coast is inundated with tourists, snowbirds, and other travelers. You may have to try some special strategies to avoid crowds if you want to hike during these peak times. Because this area is near to my heart I have written a post specifically about hiking along the gulf coast.


Michelle is a freelance writer and mother of eight. She loves to spend time exploring nature and hiking, kayaking, and traveling. After three years of fulltime travel, she wants to share her experience with other parents and encourage them to make outdoor time with their children a priority.

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